Boeing 797 - Boeing Y3-Ecoliner,Boeing 747-1000 Y Boeing 999 or Blended Wing 797 Fact or Fiction?


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Some of the photos [picture] have been doctored not for the purpose of deception. But for the purpose of showing the different concepts of possible future passenger aircraft designs. And to stimulate conversation and different views and to expand a persons imagination on what future passenger aircraft's could be like in the future.
Futuristic Air Force One:
Will the Boeing 797, Boeing Y3-Eco-liner,Boeing 747-1000 or Blended Wing 797 or Sonic passenger aircraft be in the future of aviation? 未来航电 将来の航空 미래 항공 Future avionikk Aviônicos Futuro Будущее Future Avionik авионики الكترونيات الطيران في المستقبل Aviónica futuro Framtida flygelektronik การบินในอนาคต भविष्य हवाई जहाज Μελλοντικές αεροηλεκτρονικών בעתיד אוויוניקה China C919 Passenger Jet Stratolaunch Systems Paul G. Allen Project

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